Sunday, January 01, 2023

Hell of a Year

 2022 is now over, to almost universal relief.

It featured the worst war in Europe since 1945, the sacking of two Prime Ministers and the death of our Queen, who had reigned over us since the mid 20th Century. 

On a personal note I left Worldpay in February after nine years, then lost my job at the next company after six very stressful and unhappy months. But luckily, the current UK job market is the best it's been for decades. I managed to find a new job within a couple of months and (so far) it seems to be going OK.

The outlook is not good for 2023 - the war in Ukraine has disrupted the world energy market. It seems that we're in for a recession, and the stupidity of Brexit isn't exactly helping either. Hopefully the experts are wrong and things will pan out well in 2023.


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