Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Westminster Bridge by Monet (1871)

A "nothing special" week-end that was just sublime...

A lovely Saturday afternoon of wandering around a grey and misty mellow London in the company of M.

We walked from Liecester Square to the south side of the river and along to the far side of Tower Bridge, with a quick visit to the Tate Modern on the way. M is a star – she endured (with good humour) a couple of hours of me mucking about with parts and old cars at
Tower Porsche, and even bought the lamb-burgers and drinks at the Witherspoons afterwards…

Sunday was equally nice – S and B on good form when we met in Costas and later for a wonder around the bookshop opposite. I persuaded B to buy a copy of the
Sheltering Sky - hope she enjoys it.



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