Tuesday, December 05, 2006


From 1990 to 1996, for reasons that made no sense at the time and still don’t, I lived in Paris.

Since April 1996, I’ve returned there perhaps three times, or maybe twice. The third or second time was last week, when a really lovely couple whom I owe a lot invited me over for a Thanksgiving meal.

It was nice to see the city again, and nice to be reminded just how wonderful the Eurostar is once it gets off the crap English line and rolls up to it's cruising speed of 300Kph (186 mph) through the Pas de Calais and Picardy.

The meal was lovely – it's the American version of Christmas lunch but with a lot of sweet ingredients that make it so much better than the turkey and veg I’ll scoff in 19 days time.

It was also lovely to see so many old friends, in many cases for the first time in 10 years. Disconcertingly, one or two looked much better than I remembered them.

Great week-end!


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