Saturday, May 25, 2024

Steve Wright is Charged with Another Murder

Convicted murderer Steve Wright has been charged with another murder, this one six years before his horrible killing spree in 2005, the trial of which I blogged about years ago.

A couple of days ago Wright was charged with the murder of 17 year old Victoria Hall in 1999, and an attempted kidnap of a 22 year old woman In Felixstowe the previous day.

To those of us familiar with the Steve Wright case, the fact that he's been charged with more murders is not a surprise. Most serial killers are active at much younger ages than Wright, and police have long suspected his 10-day murder spree in 2006 wasn't his first. 

But favourite for reinvestigation and possible charges was the unsolved murders of two Norwich prostitutes  Natalie Pearman (killed in 1992) and Michelle Bettles ( killed in 2002) . Another Norwich sex worker, Kellie Pratt disappeared in 2000 and has never been seen again.>

Wright used to run a pub, the Ferry Boat Inn which was in Norwich's red-light district, for a time in the late 1980s. No doubt the police have taken a really good look at all these cases, but so far they remain unsolved.

The authorities have urged the media to remember that Steve Wright deserves a fair trail for these new charges, which he does, so I'll stop this post now. 
